Originally dated: 2016-10-24 12:42
The Problem
Somewhere along the line, a lot of easy-money lenders and extended warranty providers have gotten my cell-phone number. They all use robo-callers to begin the "conversation." Worse, the predicative-dialed robo-calls are running nuisance rates of around 30-50% (there used to be laws against this).
Unfortunately, my reject list only holds 20 numbers.
So I'm doing a round-robin (FIFO ring buffer, for fellow programers) as new numbers come in.
I use a simple number scheme. When I get back to the top I change the name from DNC01 to DNC21 and count from 21. This lets me know where the head and the tail of the ring-buffer are on the list, so I know where to add new numbers.
But I want to save the old numbers too
Just in case they start using them again after having been on the reject-list for a while.
So here's the list of all numbers on my reject list
(except for the first few that I threw out before deciding to do this)
(newest numbers are added to the top) n=nuisance, d=dinner-time5-7pm, y=yes-scam
302 570-8948 [y] "would you like to speak with a warranty specialist?" (about your car)
601 228-8218 [y] "important message from the motor vehicle protection agency. Would you like to learn more"
502 617-1009 [n]
830 490-0103 [y]
831 353-2012 [n]
858 951-1750 [d]
407 530-0051 [n]
530 744 2131 [n]
228 325-1202
385 218-3054
669 257-7018 [n]
321 234-5678
239 580-6026
239 541-6799
908 888-0277
361 317-3211
213 210-2506
609 759-2791
518 417-1707
717 724-9599
682 628-4628
786 209-0861
603 637-1878
657 202-5151
541 948-8494
570 491-8294
801 742-5022
970 236-9187
832 241-3030
234 815-8186
323 593-7774
321 421-1092
817 363-5736
305 900-5941
954 826-1234
813 355-9252
281 410-8984
323 609-6006
540 628-8915
347 991-0619
609 456-7425
209 220-4187
928 224-7454
209 220-4187
= = = = = = =
[n] = nuisance
[y] = 'Yes' scam.
[d] = dinner-time 5-7pm