The reason people don't like a particular musical genre has nothing to do with how they feel about the good songs in the genre. It's because they never hear the good songs.
Every genre is a mountain of coal with a few diamonds scattered and buried inside. People who don't like a particular genre are put off by the crappy songs. . . the coal.
It has to be this way. If there were mountains of diamonds, then diamonds would be looked upon in the same way we look upon coal. In fact, if diamonds were as plentiful as coal we would burn them in our furnaces.
"All things work together for good to them that love God..." -Romans 8:28
All of creation is limitations. It would have been great if we had mental telepathy, for example. But mental telepathy wasn't in the design, so we learned other, more interesting ways to communicate.
In doing so, we discovered that those other ways we learned --to overcome the limitation and express ourselves-- have their own beautiful characteristics. Those beautiful characteristics would have been unimaginable, and completely hidden, if we had been "blessed" with telepathy, and were not limited in this way.
Consider... music, poetry, dance, paintings, and sculpture, as examples of things that would never have been.
Within every limitation there is some new, previously unseen and unknown thing to learn, and learn about. And with the learning, comes the purpose.
The three-dimensional components produced are themselves used to build other machines. Chemical reactions are generally used to store and provide energy that is converted to kinetic energy for use by the machines. In essence, chemical reactions are primarily the boilers providing the "steam" used to make the molecular machines move.
You can appear ignorant without asking a question, but
You can't ask a question without appearing ignorant.
This is because the simple act of asking a question is a demonstration to observers that you are (or believe you might be) ignorant about something.
Either way. Whether you're appearing ignorant because you're asking a question, or because you're (for example) just trying something you don't know how to do, it seems to be best to look ignorant.
That's because, when you look ignorant, you have a better chance of learning something new, than when you do not look ignorant.
The plan is to start using this blog for Junk-Drawer entries from now on. I'll start by moving the old entries over from old, static Junk-Drawer page, where they have been on for the last few years.
When moved here, the old entries will be given their original posting. Some of the oldest entries (entries before 15-Feb-2004) didn't have dates on the static page. Those will be given dates here that start in January of 2003 (though the earliest ones will not be moved over).
So here goes. next post in this Junk Drawer blog category, will be the oldest one from the old static JD page. It will be displayed below this entry, because of its early date.
A god who's true nature can be fully comprehended, explained, or understood by me or any worldly, mortal person or group, is a small god who is not worthy of worship.